7 Top Augmented Reality Tools for App Development


Augmented reality is a powerful tool that can be used to create a better user experience for your users. But, what exactly is augmented reality? Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. It allows you to interact with virtual objects in a way that feels natural and realistic. Imagine looking at your favorite baseball player on your phone and having him appear right next to you! That’s just one example of how AR can help improve our lives. If you’re looking for some new tools to help build an AR app, keep reading!


Vuforia is an augmented reality platform that allows developers to create apps for Android, iOS and Windows. It supports both image recognition and object recognition.

Vuforia provides a set of APIs that developers can use to add augmented reality experiences into their apps. The library comes with pre-built components that allow you integrate AR functionality into your app quickly without having to write code from scratch every time you want something new in your app’s UI or UX design!


Unity is a game engine and cross-platform development environment. It’s used to build 2D, 3D, VR and AR games, as well as apps and websites. Unity has a huge community of developers who use it to create their own games or apps, so you can find tutorials online if you need help with something specific.

HoloLens Developer Toolkit

Microsoft HoloLens is a mixed reality headset. It uses augmented reality to create new and exciting experiences for users, who can interact with holograms in real time.

The Microsoft HoloLens Developer Toolkit is a tool to create apps for the HoloLens. It’s free, and it comes with everything you need to get started: documentation, sample code, tutorials and more! The toolkit has both a website where you can learn about developing for this platform as well as an app that lets you test out your creations without having access to an actual device (though if you do have one lying around then we recommend giving it a try).


ARCore is a platform that lets developers create augmented reality experiences for Android, and it’s an open source project. ARCore uses the phone’s camera to detect flat surfaces, and then it overlays digital objects on top of them.

If you want to create an app with augmented reality features but don’t know where to start, this is the tool for you.


ARKit is a framework for creating augmented reality apps. It’s available on iOS 11 and newer, and it can be used to build 3D objects in the real world or create virtual objects in the real world.


Blippar is a visual search engine that uses image recognition to scan real world objects and then serve up content. This can range from an app, game or video depending on what the user wants to see. It’s used in retail, advertising and education industries as well as many others.


Aurasma is an app that lets users add augmented reality images to their photos and videos.

Aurasma is a cloud-based platform that allows users to create AR experiences using web and mobile devices. With Aurasma, you can create your own branded apps for your business by integrating them with existing content such as images, video or audio files from the web or social media channels like Facebook or Instagram.

These seven augmented reality development tools can help you build the next big thing.

Augmented reality is a technology that allows you to merge the physical and digital world. It can be used for many applications, such as gaming, education, or entertainment.

There are three main types of augmented reality: marker-based (also called markerless), camera-based and screen-based AR. Marker-based AR uses markers placed in real life to trigger events in an app on your device; camera-based AR uses the camera on your phone to detect objects around you; while screen-based (or virtual) environments don’t require any physical markers at all–instead they use computer graphics overlaid onto images captured by cameras mounted on devices like smartphones or tablets.

Benefits include increased engagement with customers through more immersive experiences which can help boost sales conversion rates while reducing costs associated with acquiring new customers through traditional marketing channels such as print ads or TV commercials.”


I hope you’ve found this list of AR tools helpful. I know that when it comes to choosing which one(s) are right for your project, there are many factors to consider–including cost, ease of use and compatibility with existing technology. But if nothing else, remember that augmented reality is an exciting new frontier in app development. If you’re not sure where to start or what kind of app might fit into this category, don’t worry! You can always reach out directly through our website or social media channels and let us know what type of project might interest you most (and we’ll do our best).

Harmony Sadat

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