Introduction Big Data and analytics are everywhere. They are being used by companies of all sizes and in all industries to improve their bottom lines, help doctors treat patients better, allow marketers to market more effectively, and so much more. In this article we will look at how Big Data […]
Introduction The future of Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) and their role in Augmented Reality is brighter than ever. The technology has already begun to transform the way we experience AR, and it’s only going to get better from here. Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) are the future of AR Head Mounted […]
Introduction The latest buzzword in the world of IoT is Edge Computing. It’s the idea that your data resides where it originates and doesn’t need to travel as far or as often. This is an important concept to understand because it will change how we think about connecting devices and […]
Introduction The blockchain is a new way to think about managing data and transactions. It’s a public ledger that records every transaction ever made on it; this makes the blockchain transparent, secure, and hard to tamper with. What is blockchain? Blockchain is a shared database, or ledger, that’s stored on […]
Introduction The ability to scale and elasticity are key characteristics of cloud computing. Without these, a service is simply not viable. Given the importance of these two variables, it makes sense to attempt to predict their values in advance. In this post, we’ll examine how you can use the data […]
Introduction Augmented reality is booming. One of the most exciting areas of growth is in 360 degree spaces, but this presents a unique set of challenges for businesses. If you aren’t careful when choosing which apps to use, there’s a good chance your customers’ data could be compromised in an […]
Introduction As we’ve seen in recent years, it’s very easy for hackers to get access to your information. It can be hard to protect yourself against these cyber attacks, but new augmented reality glasses could make it easier to protect your data and prevent hackers from getting access. Darpa has […]
Introduction In recent years, the cloud has captured much of the market attention when it comes to building and using big data solutions. However, edge computing may be an important part of your solution—and it’s something you should consider now. What is edge computing? Edge computing is a way of […]
Introduction The world of advertising has been in a state of flux for the past few years. Consumers have become more and more jaded by traditional forms of advertising, and companies are searching for new ways to connect with consumers. Nowhere is this shift more apparent than on social media […]
Introduction Augmented reality, or AR, is a computer-generated environment that can be viewed either through a device or with the naked eye. AR has been around for years and was mostly used for entertainment purposes. Nowadays, it’s also being used in various industries like healthcare and education to create immersive […]