Introduction Heads-up displays are the best way for your customers to interact with your product, but many different kinds of HUDs exist. So which is right for you? Here’s a quick rundown of four main categories of heads-up displays: Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Hybrid […]

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is a fun, exciting and quickly developing space. With the release of Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore technologies, you can now easily create your own augmented reality experiences using existing tools. Unity has been one of the most popular game engines for some time now, so […]

Introduction Google Glass is a wearable display that overlays data on the user’s view of the real world. It’s like having a display on your head. The user turns his head to look at an object, but the object is not there. So this creates some problems. Why not just […]

Introduction Augmented reality is a technology that allows us to see virtual objects in the real world. It’s been around since the 1960s, but until recently it was only used by military researchers and other highly specialized professionals who could afford their own specialized hardware. Nowadays, with the rise of […]

Introduction Augmented reality is a powerful tool in the fight against security threats and privacy violations. It can help people feel more comfortable with your use of their data and make your customers more likely to trust you as a brand. However, with great power comes great responsibility—and AR carries […]

Introduction Augmented reality is a technology that’s still in its infancy, but it has big potential. AR is being used by companies to make their products more interactive, and it’s also being used to help people find their way around new cities. We’ve already seen some exciting developments in the […]

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is a mixed-reality technology that combines the real world with computer-generated elements. You see it in some of the latest mobile games and apps, but it’s also being used for business and education. In this article, we’ll explore how augmented reality works and some examples of […]