Introduction The supply chain is a massive global network of businesses and people that work together to deliver products and services to consumers. It’s also one of the most profitable industries on Earth, worth trillions in GDP. But this industry can’t function without data storage, processing and analytics (DSPA). Data […]
Big Data And Analytics
Introduction The need for more processing power is a well-known and documented phenomenon. But in the context of data science, this is not just about adding more cores to your computer or getting a faster processor. It’s also about sorting and heuristics—ways to decipher the data quickly so that we […]
Introduction Tattoos are a popular way to express yourself, even if you’re a professional football player. In this article, we’ll take a look at some NFL players with the most tattoos and find out why they got them, how many they have, and what’s on their skin. Why do people […]
Introduction Data analytics is a big word that means many things. It can also mean many different things to different people, so it’s important to know the type of analytics you’re dealing with when you talk about it. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the main types […]
Introduction Data analytics is the process of taking raw data and analyzing it to identify patterns and make predictions. Data analytics can be used for a wide range of applications, from predicting customer behavior to finding fraud in financial transactions. The amount of data being generated by businesses and individuals […]