Define Augmented Reality And Understand How It Works


Augmented reality (AR) is the blending of real and digital worlds. The technology translates information from the Internet into a format that can be viewed on a smartphone or tablet, enabling you to see digital graphics overlaid on top of real-world objects. For example, if you’re at home, looking out your window at the street in front of your house, with AR you could hold up your phone and see a virtual car moving down the road—just as if it was really there. Despite its name, AR is not always about “augmenting.”

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality is a technology that blends the real world with virtual objects. It’s often used to add digital information or images on top of physical objects, like the way Pokémon Go adds Pikachu and other creatures to your living room floor.

It differs from virtual reality in that it doesn’t completely remove you from your surroundings–you can still see through it and interact with the physical world around you (like picking up a Poké Ball). In contrast, virtual reality completely immerses you in an alternate universe where there is no distinction between what’s real and what isn’t.

Augmented reality versus virtual reality.

Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to mixed reality and a type of virtual reality.

Virtual Reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a simulated environment; that is created using multimedia devices such as headsets or data gloves with 3D imaging technology so that users can interact with this new world.

How augmented reality works?

Augmented reality is a type of technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing information about it.

Augmented Reality (AR) systems can be used to display information about the environment in which they are present. They have been used for entertainment, marketing and industrial applications such as technical manuals for equipment maintenance or assembly aids for complex products like automobiles or airplanes.

An augmented-reality example.

Imagine you’re at a restaurant and you want to order a glass of wine. You open your phone, launch the app and point it at the bottle–and voila! The label comes alive with information about that particular wine: its price, rating and description.

In this example, augmented reality (AR) has helped improve your life by making it easier for you to decide on what kind of wine to buy based on reviews from other users. But AR can also be used in business settings as well. Imagine being able to hold up an object at work such as an engine part or tool so that it shows up on screen with specifications about its dimensions or material composition!

Augmented Reality applies digital information to the real world, making it appear as if it’s part of your environment.

Augmented Reality (AR) is the process of applying digital information to the real world, making it appear as if it’s part of your environment. It’s a technology that overlays digital data onto an existing physical environment in order to enhance, modify or relate to that space.

AR can be used for games and entertainment, education and more. It can also play a role in healthcare, engineering and business applications such as marketing or sales presentations that would benefit from an immersive experience for users who interact with them on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets.


Augmented reality is a technology that can be used to enhance our everyday life. It allows us to see digital information in real-world environments and interact with it, making it more meaningful and useful. For example, imagine going on a hike with friends who have an app on their phones that shows them where the best places are to take photos along the way–this could help make your next adventure even more memorable!

Harmony Sadat

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