How I Spend My Summer Vacation: A Data Scientist


Data summer is a time to relax and enjoy the outdoors, and I am no different. My typical summer vacation involves working less, spending more time with friends and family, reading books, eating out at restaurants, doing something active outside like hiking or camping…and planting flowers in my yard at home!

I work full-time at a data science company, so I spend most of my time working.

I work full-time at a data science company, so I spend most of my time working.

I am a software engineer who specializes in machine learning and artificial intelligence. The type of work that I do can be broken down into three main categories:

  • Building models that predict future outcomes based on historical data (e.g., predicting whether or not someone will buy something after they visit your website). This is known as predictive modeling because it predicts an outcome based on previous observations or events; these models are used by businesses to make better decisions about their products or services (e.g., how much inventory should be ordered) so that they can make more money!
  • Building new algorithms from scratch using frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras or PyTorch; this involves writing code that mimics how the human brain works (i.e., neural networks) but requires less memory than traditional computers do because there are fewer transistors involved when compared against CPUs/GPUs which means there’s less energy consumption too!

But in the summer, I like to take a break from my normal routine.

But in the summer, I like to take a break from my normal routine.

I’m a data scientist at [company name]. My job is to collect data, analyze it and use the results to make decisions. I work with a team of other data scientists who all have different specialties so we can cover all bases when it comes to analyzing information.

My typical day involves getting up early and going into work at about 9 am, where I spend time collecting information from various sources such as websites or social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. Then once we have all our data together, we analyze it using tools like Python or R programming language before deciding how best to use this information moving forward (e.g., business strategy).

One way I relax is by spending time with friends and family.

One way I relax is by spending time with friends and family. This can be done by going to concerts, movies or other events together. Another option is taking a road trip to a national park that’s far away from home.

Another thing I do is read books.

I also like to read books–but not just any old book. I’m talking about the latest bestseller and other books that I can find on my Kindle, iPad and iPhone. I’ve got an entire library of ebooks on each device so I can always have a good read with me wherever I go!

I also like to read physical copies of books at home or in the office. It’s nice to be able to enjoy them without having them take up space on my devices, but sometimes it’s nice for me (and other data scientists) who are working long hours at their desks all day long!

Another typical vacation activity is eating out at restaurants.

Another typical vacation activity is eating out at restaurants. If you like to eat out, then you should try new restaurants. There are many ways of finding good restaurants: asking friends, reading reviews online and looking at the menu first before deciding which restaurant to go too.

Another way to relax is doing something active outside like hiking or camping.

Another way to relax is doing something active outside like hiking or camping. Hiking can be done in a city park or in the wilderness, and camping can be done at a campsite or in your backyard. Fishing is another great option for outdoor activities; it’s easy to find lakes and rivers near you that have good fishing spots!

Another thing that relaxes me is gardening–I especially love planting flowers in my yard at home.

Another thing that relaxes me is gardening–I especially love planting flowers in my yard at home. I can do this with my family, or alone if they’re not into it. Gardening is a physical activity and will get you outside, which also helps with stress relief! It’s also very inexpensive: all you need are seeds or plants (or both), some tools like shovels and trowels, soil bags for transporting dirt from one place to another without making a mess (if your garden isn’t big enough), water containers…and of course good gloves! You can even find community gardens where people work together on larger projects than individual ones like mine; these tend to be more expensive but might still work out cheaper than hiring someone else to do it all for you

A data scientist likes to stay active during their summer vacation

When you’re a data scientist, your summer vacation isn’t just about relaxing and doing nothing. You need to stay active and keep your mind sharp! To that end, I’ve found some great ways to maintain my health and wellness while also keeping myself entertained during this time off from work.

  • Read books: As part of my active lifestyle, I make sure that I get plenty of reading done each day–it’s important not only for pleasure but also because it helps me relax after long days at the office and prepare myself for what comes next in my career as a data scientist (or whatever else).
  • Eat out at restaurants: Going out with friends or family members is another great way to unwind after work hours; however, it can be expensive if everyone decides they want something different or has special requests like no onions on their burger patty or extra cheese on their pizza slice (which seems reasonable enough but somehow always ends up causing problems). To avoid these issues entirely (and save money) try asking ahead if there’s anything special about what type(s) of food you want so there won’t be any surprises later down road!


I hope that you’ve enjoyed learning about my favorite ways to relax during the summer. I’m sure you have some great ideas of your own, so go ahead and try them out! If you want more information on how to make your own data science project with Python or another programming language, check out our free online course: Data Science for Beginners.

Harmony Sadat

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