I’ve Started A New Youtube Channel All About Data


Data is everywhere. Whether you’re using a phone or laptop, browsing social media or shopping online, chances are that if you’re reading this then there’s some data involved in how you got here. And yet there are still so many people out there who don’t understand what data is and how it works. My mission with this new Youtube channel is to help people like that better understand the world of data—and what that means for them!

I’ve been working as a Data Scientist for a couple of years now and have always been keen to share what I’ve learned with others.

You have probably heard of data science and may know a little about what it is. If not, here’s your chance to get up to speed!

Data science is a big field with many applications in the business world. Just imagine how much better your job would be if you could use the same tools and techniques as professionals do every day? The possibilities are endless!

I’ve been working as a Data Scientist for a couple of years now and have always been keen to share what I’ve learned with others. This is why I decided to start my own Youtube channel – so that anyone can learn from my experience without having access to expensive courses or books on the subject matter.

My first step was to start a blog, which is where I put my posts about data science and machine learning.

My first step was to start a blog, which is where I put my posts about data science and machine learning. Blogging is a great way to share knowledge and build your personal brand. It’s also good for earning money by selling ads or products on your website, or even just getting paid by companies who want you as an affiliate marketer (where they pay you based on how much traffic comes from your site).

If you’re interested in blogging but don’t know where to begin, check out my guide How To Start A Personal Website Or Blog In 2019!

The next step was to create a Youtube channel, which gave me a platform to create video tutorials on topics like deep learning and artificial intelligence.

I’ve started a new Youtube Channel all about data science. The next step was to create a Youtube channel, which gave me a platform to create video tutorials on topics like deep learning and artificial intelligence.

Youtube is one of the best ways for people who want to learn about data science to do so because it allows you to easily share your knowledge with others in an engaging way that doesn’t require them sitting through lengthy lectures or reading textbooks that can be difficult at times due their lengthiness (and sometimes lack of illustrations).

Now I’ve decided to take things one step further and start my own YouTube channel that’s dedicated solely to all things data.

If you’re a data geek like me, this is the channel for you! I’ve decided to take things one step further and start my own YouTube channel that’s dedicated solely to all things data.

I’m going to be making videos on all sorts of topics related to data science: machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), big data and even cybersecurity. I’ll also cover some basic programming languages like Python and R–the two most popular languages used by data scientists today–as well as SQL (structured query language), which is one of the most common ways for analysts in large companies or universities access their databases when performing queries against them.

My target audience includes anyone interested in learning more about how computers process information into useful insights; whether it be students looking into computer science majors or professionals seeking new job opportunities after graduating from college with degrees outside STEM fields such as business administration or biology/chemistry majors who want experience outside their comfort zone by working with computers rather than just studying them academically through textbooks alone

If you’re interested in learning about how data is being used nowadays or if you want to learn more about my work then please do subscribe!

You’re probably wondering what all this data talk is about. Well, if you’re interested in learning about how data is being used nowadays or if you want to learn more about my work then please do subscribe!

I’ll be covering topics such as:

  • What is big data?
  • How does it benefit businesses?
  • How can I get started with big data myself?
  • What are some of the most common machine learning algorithms (and why should I care)?

And much more!


I hope that this post has given you an insight into what my YouTube channel is about. It’s still very new so there aren’t many videos on it yet, but I plan on adding more content over time as well as creating new ones every week or two weeks depending on how busy I am with work! If you would like to keep up with all my latest videos then please do subscribe because they’ll be coming straight to your inbox without having to look around for them anywhere else!

Harmony Sadat

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