Real Time Data Processing In Production—What Is It And Why Should You Care?


If you’re a business owner, it’s likely that your company has been collecting data for years. And in the world of big data, it’s becoming more and more common to analyze historical data in order to find patterns and trends. But what if you want to analyze this information as it happens? This is where real-time data processing comes into play. Real-Time Data Processing refers to the ability of an application or database to accept streaming information in near-real time while being able to quickly process, store and analyze that data. It can be used across many industries including healthcare, finance and retail—just name a few!

What Is Real-Time Data Processing?

Data processing is the act of taking raw data and converting it into something meaningful. At its most basic level, this can mean simply storing your data in a format that you can access later. However, with more advanced tools and techniques available today–and especially as we continue to move towards real-time analytics–it’s important to understand what exactly real-time data processing means and how it differs from traditional methods of analyzing information.

In short: Real-time data processing refers to analyzing information as soon as it comes in, rather than waiting until after an initial batch has been completed (which could take hours). For example, let’s say that you have sensors set up around your house which are constantly monitoring temperature levels throughout the day; with traditional methods of analysis (i.e., when these readings were collected), this would require taking all of them at once at midnight or some other predetermined time period; however if they were instead being analyzed immediately upon arrival via real-time processing systems then there would be no need for such rigid schedules since each new reading would automatically trigger its own analysis without any intervention needed on behalf of human operators

Why Should I Care About Real-Time Data Processing?

Real-time data processing is used to keep your business running smoothly. It can be used to track and analyze the performance of your business, optimize your business operations and improve customer service.

Let’s take a look at some examples of how real-time data processing can be used in production environments:

  • You’re a retailer with thousands of products on sale at any given time; you need an automated way of monitoring inventory levels so that when one item runs out (or becomes unavailable), another one can be automatically dispatched from the supplier without having human intervention involved in this process. This requires real-time monitoring and management systems that work around the clock without any downtime or delays in response time just like robots do!
  • Another example would be a bank which offers loans based on credit scores; if someone applies for one but gets declined because their score isn’t high enough then they might become frustrated enough not only quit applying altogether but also stop using services offered by other financial institutions as well–which means less profit over time due solely because someone wasn’t able receive timely information about their application status.”

Where Does Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) Fall Short When It Comes To Real-Time Processing?

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are designed for storing and retrieving data. They don’t provide tools for analyzing data in real time, nor do they have visualizations that can be used to gain insights from your data.

For example, an RDBMS will let you query a table of sales records by customer ID or product code, but it won’t let you see how many customers made purchases on specific days or what their average purchase price was over time. You could use RDBMSes to build models that predict when customers will likely buy again based on past behavior and other factors–but these models would only run once per day or week at best (and probably not even then!).

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Time Series Database Instead Of An RDBMS?

There are many benefits to using a time series database instead of an RDBMS. Time series databases are designed to handle high-volume data, sequential data and large amounts of it. They can also process real-time processing in production environments.

What Types Of Analysis Can Be Done With Time Series Databases?

Time series data is easy to query. Time series databases offer fast queries and high throughput for time-based data analysis, which makes it possible for you to use your data in real time.

Time series databases can analyze across different dimensions. You can analyze your data by any dimension–for example, by geographic region or customer segment–and then compare those results with other dimensions like product category or location type (online vs offline). This capability allows businesses to look at their performance across multiple segments in order to make better decisions about how they should allocate resources and improve processes where necessary.

Time series databases are capable of analyzing over time periods as well as real-time processing of data streams from IoT sensors connected directly into the database itself without requiring any ETL (extract transform load) processes beforehand! This means that you don’t need separate systems for handling historical information versus current events happening right now because everything happens within one single system!

There are many benefits of using a time series database for real-time processing.

There are many benefits of using a time series database for real-time processing. Time series databases are designed for high-performance and can handle large data sets. This means that your data will be stored in a way that allows it to be read from quickly, which is important when you’re looking at processing information in real time or near-real time. Time series databases also provide high availability and scalability, so you can have confidence that your system will remain up even if there’s an influx of traffic or activity on the server side of things (which may happen if you’re collecting live data).

Finally, because they’re optimized specifically for storing time series data–and because this type of dataset often has specific requirements around consistency, durability and reliability–time series databases offer several advantages over general purpose database systems when it comes to handling events occurring now rather than later:


As you can see, time series databases have many advantages over relational databases when it comes to real-time data processing. They are able to handle much larger datasets than RDBMS and also provide faster query speeds. This makes them ideal for applications such as finance where high-volume transactions need fast responses from data analysis systems at all times.

Harmony Sadat

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