The Future Is Now: Augmenting The Human Anatomy


I like to think of the human mind as basically an empty canvas. It’s up to you to decide what you want it to look like. If that sounds like a lot of pressure, just think about the fact that your brain is constantly being bombarded with information from all directions on a daily basis. Much like an artist trying to create a masterpiece out of their blank canvas, your mind needs some kind of tool or guidance before it can do anything truly creative — which is where augmented reality comes in!

The world of augmented reality (AR) has been a long time coming.

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows you to interact with the world around you in new ways. It’s been around for a long time, but the potential of AR has only begun to be realized.

It can be hard to get your head around what augmented reality is and how it works, especially if you’ve never seen it before. But don’t worry–we’re going to break down everything from how AR works to why it matters so much!

AR is being used for all kinds of things, from gaming and education to therapy.

AR is being used for all kinds of things, from gaming and education to therapy.

  • Gaming: The use of AR in gaming has been a hot topic since the beginning of the year when Apple announced its ARKit system. Developers have been working hard on creating new apps and games that will take advantage of this technology, many of which are available now on Apple devices and more are coming soon.
  • Therapy: Another way that people are using augmented reality is by applying it to therapy sessions as well as mental health treatment programs overall (and not just with children). For example, there’s an app called “The Talking Mirror” which helps kids who suffer from anxiety disorders learn how to manage their emotions better through reflection exercises where they see themselves talking back at them through their phone camera lens while looking into their own eyes–and then repeating these same words back again until they feel calmer overall!
  • Construction: Construction workers can now use virtual reality headsets connected wirelessly via Bluetooth 4 technology so they don’t need cables anymore like before when most systems were tethered by cords running down from overhead rigs mounted high above buildings under construction sites where no one else could reach them easily enough without risking injury due mostly due lack visibility issues caused by dust particles floating around everywhere making visibility difficult even though there were no windows anywhere nearby either because they hadn’t yet been installed yet either!”

The technology is improving all the time, but it’s not perfect yet.

The technology is improving all the time, but it’s not perfect yet. Some things are easier to do than others, and there are still many things that need to be improved. The good news is that AR is still in its infancy, so you can expect rapid progress over the next few years as developers continue to explore new ways of using this technology.

Standalone HMDs are becoming increasingly popular, especially since they don’t require a smartphone or tablet.

Standalone HMDs are becoming increasingly popular, especially since they don’t require a smartphone or tablet. They have their own processors and operating systems, which means they can run standalone apps and games that don’t need to be downloaded from an app store. They also have longer battery life than smartphone-based HMDs, making them more portable than their counterparts.

However, standalone devices tend to be more expensive than smartphones because they include all the components you’d find in a PC (CPU, RAM) as well as the screen itself–this makes them more expensive to manufacture than phones which only need a small display panel with limited resolution and processing power built into them before being sold at retail stores like Best Buy or Amazon Prime Day sales events sponsored by companies like Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus users who want accessorize with these new accessories including wireless chargers so customers can charge up without having wires hanging out everywhere when using different kinds of stuff such as speakers etcetera

Some companies are even trying to create their own HMDs with brand new software and hardware, but those have yet to launch.

Microsoft’s HoloLens is a standalone HMD that uses an Xbox One controller as a remote control. It features a Windows 10 operating system, which means you can run apps like Skype or play games like Minecraft on it. The device has transparent display and 3D mapping capabilities, allowing users to see their surroundings in virtual reality while still being able to interact with the real world around them (think: looking at your phone while wearing the headset).

The device isn’t available for purchase yet; however, Microsoft does offer developers kits for $3000 each–and those interested in purchasing one should expect delivery sometime next year.

Major players like Apple and Google have already branched out in AR and VR, but Microsoft is taking a slightly different approach with HoloLens — an Augmented Reality headset that includes 3D mapping capabilities.

Microsoft’s HoloLens is an AR headset that includes 3D mapping capabilities. It’s not just for gaming, and it’s not yet available to the public.

Microsoft aims to develop HoloLens so that it can be used in many different fields such as education, medicine and construction.

The Microsoft HoloLens is a self-contained computer with its own CPU, GPU and sensors. It allows you to see 3D objects in the real world by using a high-definition holographic display. The device uses spatial sound technology to create sounds that appear to come from specific locations around you.

HoloLens was developed by Microsoft’s Windows Mixed Reality team, which is part of the company’s Interactive Experiences Group (IEG). In 2016, IEG was renamed “Microsoft Studios” and its mission statement was updated: “We create experiences for people at work and play through gaming; interactive storytelling; visual artistry; music composition; video production – all designed with our partners around the world.” This means that HoloLens is more than just an augmented reality headset – it could become part of your everyday life!

It’s getting closer everyday!

The Microsoft HoloLens is a cool device, but it’s not perfect yet. It’s a headset that projects 3D images into your field of vision and allows you to interact with them in real time. While this technology has been around since the 1980s and was first used by NASA scientists (who called it “Virtual Interface Technology”), it’s only recently been made available for consumer use.

Microsoft isn’t alone in developing these kinds of products; there are other companies working on similar devices as well, including Magic Leap and Meta 2 AR glasses; Facebook announced last year that they would be releasing their own version later this year called Oculus Go VR Headset; while Apple has filed patents related to augmented reality technology too! The future really is now!


We’re not there yet, but we’re getting closer. As more companies enter the AR/VR space and technology improves, we’ll see more amazing things being done with these devices.

Harmony Sadat

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Cryptography And Decryption, How It Works

Wed Mar 22 , 2023
Introduction Cryptography is the practice of encoding information in a way that only authorized parties can access it. The idea behind cryptography is to protect valuable information by making it unreadable to anyone but those who are allowed to see it. As technology advances, you need more than just the […]
Cryptography And Decryption, How It Works

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